Bruce Sellery
Personal Finance Expert
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Bruce is on a mission to inspire people to get a better handle on their money so they can live the life they want.
Popular topics

Getting Your Financial Footing Back During a Pandemic
Not all Canadians are going through the same thing when it comes to managing their money during a pandemic. Millions of Canadians have been laid off during these unprecedented times while some are working from home. Bruce Sellery spoke with Cityline's Tracy Moore about the steps you can take to regain your financial footing depending on your current situation.

How to Deal with Financial Stress During a Pandemic
Non-essential businesses have had to close until further notice because of the COVID-19 pandemic leaving many Canadians unable to earn an income right now. Bruce Sellery shares his tips on how to manage financial stress during this time.

Dealing with Financial Challenges amid the COVID-19 Outbreak
Bruce Sellery spoke with Global News Morning Calgary about dealing with financial challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Should You Help Your Adult Child Buy a House?
Bruce Sellery takes you through all the factors you should consider before deciding to help your adult child buy a house.

How to Fix a Bad Credit Score
If you received a bad credit score it's not the end of the world. But it does take some time for it to improve. Bruce Sellery shares his tips for getting your credit score back on track.

Slaying Your ‘Debt Snake’
Bruce Sellery explains how you can use behavioural economics to squash your credit card debt.

Setting Your Holiday Budget
The holidays can be stressful especially when it comes to spending. Bruce Sellery shares his expert advice on how to create a holiday budget and stick to it.

Will Meal-Kit Services Help You Cut Spending?
Are meal-kits the answer to saving a few bucks? Bruce Sellery breaks down how you can eliminate credit card debt and save on groceries.

How Inflation Can Impact Your Financial Health
Understanding how inflation can impact your financial health is important. Bruce Sellery shares all you need to know about inflation and how it works.

Why More Seniors Are Choosing to Stay in the Workforce
More and more seniors are choosing to stay in the workforce. Bruce Sellery explains why they are continuing to work longer past the average age of retirement.

The Financial Game of Life
Bruce Sellery takes a look at the new augmented reality version of the classic board game Monopoly.

A Look At Facebook’s Digital Currency
Facebook is planning to launch its very own digital currency called Libra. But is Facebook's plan to make a more efficient payment system worth it for the millions of users who use the platform every day? More importantly, is it safe?

What Credit Card Features Matter
Bruce discusses which credit card features are important when deciding which card is best for you.

Is Travel Insurance Enough to Protect Your Holiday?
Bruce discusses how you can protect yourself when travel companies fail. Can you turn to credit companies if travel insurance isn't enough?

Navigating Home Renovations
Home renovations aren't easy. That six-week basement renovation took longer than expected and may have even gone over budget. But what is a non-disparagement clause? And what does it have to do with your home renovation? Bruce Sellery breaks it down for you.

The Importance of Financial Inclusion
Some Canadians may have difficulty accessing appropriate financial services. There are about one million Canadian adults who are "unbanked" meaning they don't have a bank account. This is why financial inclusion is important. Bruce Sellery tells you more about what financial inclusion is and why we shouldn't take the financial services we receive for granted.

When to Use Online Reviews
Nowadays you can find a review on just about anything. There are review websites for restaurants, hotels and even prisons. But it's important to know when you should trust review sites or just trust your gut. Bruce discusses how to use review sites to get the best value for your money.

Open Banking: Do We Need It?
Open banking is the hottest new banking trend. But what is it? Do we really need it? Bruce has all the answers for you.

What to Consider Before Making a Mid-Life Career Change
Thinking about making a mid-life career change? Here is everything you should consider before making the big move.

Budgeting for Your Kids’ Summer Activities
It's never too early to start making a plan to fund your kids' extracurricular activities. Bruce has some tips on how to create a budget.

How to Get Your Will in Order
When the legendary singer Aretha Franklin died last August, it was reported that she hadn't left a will but now 3 separate handwritten wills have emerged. We can learn a thing or two from this unfortunate situation.

Fake Financial News and How to Spot It
#FakeNews is bombarding your social media channels. Here are some tips on how to spot fake financial news before it affects your wallet.

Consumer Debt in Canada Is an Issue—but No Need to Panic
According to a recent Ipsos Reid survey, a high number of Canadians are flirting with financial insolvency. But it might not be as bad as it appears.

Teaching Your Kids About Money
Want to teach your kids about money but have no idea where to start? Bruce Sellery discusses what to focus on first.

All You Need to Know About Apple’s New Credit Card
Apple is launching a new credit card this summer. How does it work? Is it worth it? Bruce Sellery weighs in.

Breaking down the Federal Budget
What does the federal budget mean for your bank account? Bruce Sellery takes us through all you need to know.

Budgeting for a Home Renovation
Planning to renovate your home? You’ll need a budget for that. Here are some tips that can help make sure your next home renovation project doesn’t break the bank.

How to Invest Your Inheritance Money
No idea what to do with your inheritance money? Bruce shares some advice on how to make this investment a meaningful one.

What to Do When the Collection Agent Calls
Don’t know what to do when the collection agent calls? Here’s how to dig yourself out of a mountain of debt.

How to Know If You’re Investing Wisely
Here are three guidelines to help you know if you’re investing wisely.

The Financial Responsibility of Owning a Pet
Owning a pet takes a lot of commitment. It also comes with a huge financial responsibility. Here are some financial planning tips you need to know about before deciding to get your very own furry best friend.

Do Your Finances “Spark Joy”?
The KonMari Method is based on one, fundamental question: Does the item you are holding in your hands “Spark Joy”? If it does, keep it. If it doesn’t, thank it and then get rid of it.

‘Financial infidelity’ is shockingly common in couples, says recent poll
“To love, honour and…tell the truth about money.” Does there need to be an addition to the standard marital vows in our culture?

The 6 Money Tasks to do Every Work Anniversary
I think I’ve found a way to make a meaningless work anniversary actually mean something. We can use it as a catalyst, a prompt, or a trigger to take on some tasks related to your money at work.

Highlights of Million Dollar Neighbourhood on the Oprah Winfrey Network
Highlights from the reality TV show Million Dollar Neighbourhood. The goal is to boost the town's net worth by $1 million dollars over a span of 10 weeks.

Spending Money on Experiences
Instead of spending your money on materialistic things, why not try spending your money on real-life experiences?

Financial Planning When You’re a Solo Senior
Living single is quite common. For seniors, living on their own can be challenging at times. Here’s how to overcome some of those challenges.

How to Achieve Financial Independence
Financial Independence, Retire Early. This ideal concept is a growing movement but how does one achieve financial independence?

Financial Mistakes and What to do About Them
Ever wanted a financial “do-over”? We’ve all made an impulse purchase at least once in our lives. Here’s what to do about those common financial mistakes.

All the Things Canadians Have to be Thankful For
As Canadians, we have a lot to be thankful for. Here’s a breakdown of some of the things us Canadians are fortunate to have.

Making Debt Disappear
Making debt disappear is easy in theory. You either increase your income or cut your spending. But how do you take action?

The Best Credit Cards in Canada
Is there such a thing as the best credit card in Canada? There are a number of factors to look at when determining the best card for your needs.

Teaching Your Kids About Money
It’s good to prepare your kids for their financial futures at a young age. But what’s the best way to do it? Here’s some advice on how to teach your kids about financial literacy.

How to Prepare for a Job Layoff
If you’re worried about your job security or want to know what to do in the case of a layoff, here are some tips to help you feel more prepared.

When to Throw Money at the Problem
The idea of spending money to make a problem go away comes with its negative connotations but here’s how it can work.

Kids’ Education Savings: RESPs Are The Way To Go
There is no such thing as a free lunch. But the RESP is as close to one as you’re likely to get, when it comes to saving.

How to Budget When You’re a Student
If you’re a student venturing off to college or university, follow these simple budgeting tips.

Millennials Think Differently When it Comes to Personal Finance
How do Millennials think and behave when it comes to money?

How Much is Too Much When Investing in Canadian Stocks?
Are you investing too much in Canadian Stocks? Diversify your portfolio and explore the larger markets out there.

Four Common Investment Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Investors make plenty of mistakes when it comes to investing. Here are the top four and how to avoid them.

Think “Simple” When Investing in RESPs
What is the simplest and most cost-effective way to invest in RESPs? Here’s what you do.

How to Withdraw Money from a Spousal RRSP
The idea behind a spousal RRSP is to split your retirement income so you can pay less tax as a couple. Here’s a breakdown of how to withdraw from a Spousal RRSP.

Why You Should Still Contribute to your TFSA Even When You’re 68
Saving inside a TFSA never gets old.Here are some arguments in favour of continuing to make contributions even well after you’re retired.

How To Minimize the Taxes on Your Kids’ Inheritance
Taxes can get really tricky when it comes to estate planning. What are some ways to minimize the tax you pay?

How Much Money Should you Set Aside for Retirement?
Everyone’s retirement plan is different. Here are the various factors to consider when deciding how much money you should set aside for each stage of your retirement.

Shift Change: How to Make the Move From “Saver” to “Spender” During Retirement
You’ve been a “saver” for as long as you can remember. Now, you’re transitioning into retirement. Here’s how you can shift from being a “saver” to a “spender” without fear and anxiety.

Tips for Finding a Financial Advisor
A great advisor can make a huge difference in your financial well-being. But how do you go about choosing one? Here are some ways to identify candidates and criteria to use to screen them.

How Much Money Do You Need to Save So You Retire Comfortably?
The earlier you start saving for retirement, the better. But how do you start? Here are some tips that can help you retire comfortably.

Bits & Bytes: The Answers to All of Your Cryptocurrency Questions
You most definitely have heard of cryptocurrency. But what is it? And why should you care?

In the Groove to Move? How to Know When You’re Ready to Sell Your Home
You’re finally thinking about selling your nest. There are many financial and emotional factors to consider before you make that big move. Here are some tips to help you sort out the pros and cons.

Brains and Bank Accounts: How Psychology Can Help You Reduce Spending and Eliminate Debt
Resisting the urge to spend is hard. Here are some tricks to help you reduce spending and debt.

Set It and Forget It: How to Set Up An Automated Savings Plan
Automated Savings allows you to pay yourself first.

Millennials and Investing: Helping the Next Generation Get Into the Game
Investing is the key to financial success for millennials. But, for a whole bunch of reasons, many aren’t taking the leap.

Family and Finances: How to Handle the Fireworks That Can Explode in Our Relationships
Have a tough financial situation with a family member or friend? Here’s how to handle it.

Money Etiquette: Emily Post for Personal Finance
How to handle money etiquette issues with your family and friends.

How to Pull Off a Money Makeover
A step-by-step approach to transforming your financial life. Start by choosing one area - just one - so you can focus on taking a few critical actions.

How to Fight About Money Without Ruining Your Relationship
You are going to fight about money at some point -- so you may as well learn how to do it well.
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